First I teach how to develop a relationship with The Creator. I also explain the 13 principles of faith by subject.They are: Creator, Prophecy, Reward and Punishment, The Messiah, and The Afterlife. I also shed light on Judaism's history and dispel misconceptions about what a Jew and Judaism are.
This is a very important question.
Often times people are lost in this world. People feel very disconnected from The Creator and feel abandoned.
The first thing you need to do is understand that there is a Creator. This Creator made the world by choosing to perform an act of love. That love is creating the world.
The second thing you need to know is you exist because you are loved by The Creator. Your very existence is a testimony to the unique and special love that The Creator has for you.
The third thing you need to know is The Creator creates creation to give good to others. Thats right, nothing in creation is part of God in any way. The Creator is not within creation. The reason for this is to teach us humility, generosity, and self control. These traits coupled with patience and acting with forethought allow us to come close to The Creator.
Now that you know all this you can do three things that will allow you to be close to God.
• Pray directly and only to God. God is your Best Friend as well your Father and King. Talk about anything. Make prayer a regular thing. Talk about your day with God, ask for whatever you want, confess your sins and have a dynamic relationship with God.
• Realize that everything that happens is for your good. If you stub your toe think about how this is helping you. Why would God stub your toe? Have you been going in the wrong direction? You just recieved an extra bonus. What are you doing right? Understand everything is for your good.
• Last you need to develop your character. Humility, Generosity, Self Control, Balance, Patience, and action with forethought (courage) are the traits that The The Creator uses to run the world. Exemplify these traits.
Judaism teaches this is the entirety of Divine Will. Everything in The Bible is to teach these things in order to help everyone come close to God.
Judaism also teaches that as you develop your personal relationship with The Creator you should also follow the commandments of the Torah. In this manner you sanctify the physical self and the world around you allowing yourself to become even closer to The Creator.
Mesilat Yesharim and Derech Hashem both by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
The simple answer is yes.
The more complex answer is that Hashem, meaning God, loves everything and everyone equally as long as they exist.
You see the manifestation of Divine Will is reality itself as the root of Divine Love. Divine Favor is the way all things manifest Divine Love.
Nonetheless Divine Love is a creation, it is not a “part of God” as many erronously believe, but the relationship that allows us to percieve The Creator exists. It was created that way and if uncreated all relationships, meaning reality cease to be.
If something exists then it is loved by its Creator. The reason punishment and suffering exists is not because of a lack of love, but because the person is incapable or unwilling of recieving the love in a revealed way.
It is comparable to a glass. The glass receives cool, clean, water constantly at a steady rate. If the glass is clean the water will taste good and cool. If the person dirties their glass and puts hot coals then the water will be very hot and dirty. The water itself is still clean and cool. It is the actions of the owner of the glass that make the experience unpleasant. In our example the water is Divine Love. The glass is the human being and the negative actions he or she does ،are reflected by the dirt or coals. However the love is the same. The human being has also the capability of expanding the size of the glass as well as share water to clean other glasses.
At the end of the day Divine love is manifest in something by its very existence.
If it exists it is loved by Hashem (God). All things are loved equally, but their purpose might be different or their level of clarity might be greater through effort.
Derech Hashem, Mesilat Yesharim, and Daat Tevunot
By Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. Feldheim Publications.
D.H. Translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.
M.Y. and D.T. Translated by Shraga Silverstein
Inner Space by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
Classes given by The Strettener Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Abraham Breinwein, clarified privately at his home from him afterwards, Kol Yehuda Yeshivah: Old City Jerusalem, Israel
All subject matter discussed below will be sourced from the only universally accepted compendium of Jewish Theology. This is the work known as "Derech Hashem" by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. It is available in acurate English under the title "The Way of God" translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan and published by Feldheim Publications.
The Creator according to Judaism exists, is unchanging, without parts. That is the meaning of GD is One. (אחד) The Creator always was, is, and will be in unchanging One-ness.
Within legitimate Jewish theology reality is described as coming to exist via a process of 10 relationships collectively known as Presence, Emanations, Sayings, or Sephirot. These relationships parallel, the process of marriage and parenthood as well the development in the womb. That is not to say The Creator reproduced GDself, but rather that The Creator creates something completely unlike GDself and reveals The existence of GDself to that which is created.
All created things have a begining, they change, they have parts and can be said to have unity rather than One-ness since they exist in a state of multiplicity that is bound together. Even in the present state all created things are dependant on the perpetual relationship to The Creator to exist.
This primary relationship is called Divine Will and can be said to be the initial creation. The secondary creation was Divine Love which allows for Divine Will to manifest in mutiple ways within it. This interaction is similar to a prism which reveals a single ray of light in a multitude of ways. Both Will and Love are creations, not atributes of The Creator. The term atributes is only used as a description of the relationship not as a description of The Creator. They are the ways that The Creator's existence is revealed to the creation.
They are sometimes called darkness and light. All things within creation are comprised of Darkness and Light and are therefore inherently good. Darkness in this context refers to Divine Will by itself because nothing other than Divine Will can exist, not even self perception without Divine Love. Divine Love is the filter which allows sight of the self and the Creator's existence. In fact the Darkness is the brilliant all powerful light and the Light is the Darkness filtered through Divine Love that allows for sight and self awareness. This is different from the concept of Good and Evil which is that of clarity vs. opaqueness in relation to the revelation of Divine Light.
Continuing with the explanation G-d simply Is and has no begining or end, has no parts, is unchanging, and is perpetually aware. From G-d’s point of view everything is unchanging.
Judaism does state that ultimately how GD is actually capable of creating and remain unchanged and separate was not explained to any prophet. This what Moses wanted to know when he asked G-d to understand “The Face” he saw.
Moses was told that creation is not able to comprehend this beyond the concept of a relationship which involves dualistic concepts. This is why we can understand The Creator's Oness in terms of relationships. We cannot however understand what The Essence of The Creator is. When it says that Moses saw the “Face” of The Creator it means he had an awareness that The Creator exists outside of Prophetic Awareness as an Unchanging One-ness. Other Prophets experienced a metaphoric vision of The Creator and the various relationships to creation sometimes through Divine Names. Moses was given a direct awareness of Unchanging Oneness, but without an understanding of what this actually is beyond its existence.
The explanations presented here are the explanations of the relationship (Presence) of an awareness of Unchanging One-ness (Essence), not a definition that gives absolute understanding. What was explained to Moses is that The Creator begun everything in order to give good to another. This good being a relationship with The Creator who is an Unchanging One-ness. This means that The Creator created various degrees of awareness of the existence of One-ness. Good, therefore, is the awareness of One-ness.
Creation is the constant process of this and is actively maintained by GD for this purpose. Creation is completely separate from The Creator even though it has a perpetual relationship with The Creator. Furthermore that relationship is also a creation of GD. Creation is at its essence Divine Will (Primal Energy) manifesting itself in Divine Love (Space-Time) via a repeating process of light and filter. The physical universe is the projection of Divine Will as a construct in which humans can interact.
Humans are the final vessel and can choose the intensity of Divine Will in their lives. Divine Love is given to all creations, but the ability to increase the reception of Dvine Will via a proactive relationship with The Creator is the purview of humans. This choice is called Goodness. Evil is the proactive choice by humans to make the filter opaque.
The human sees the relationship as changing because the human individual and humanity as a whole can change their perception of reality by changing their own individual mindset as well as the general mindset of humanity. However in truth the relationship is perfect it is simply a matter of harmonizing the inner soul with the outer body. Making the filter opaque is not the act diminishing Divine Will. It is the act of refusing to see it by closing the eyes (Metaphorically speaking).
The Creator created marriage, sanctified sexual relation, to express the concept of Divine Will via Divine Love. Sanctified sexuality via marriage is the way human beings can best understand the way The Creator caused all thing to exist.That is not to say that the creation is a feminine Creator, but that the creation itself is a sort of marriage.
First The Creator creates the desire for marriage. This is called Divine Will.
Second Divine Will manifests as Divine Love and allows for the existence of free will. Free will then manifests a creation of individual parts, both spiritual and physical. The creations around which all of this revolves around are humans. Humans are the part of this creation that can consent to the marriage both as individuals and as a group. The more individuals that consent to a marriage with GD the more humanity can be said to consent as a whole. Once enough humans consent all of reality can be said to consent to the marriage.
Once the state of consent is reached The Creator can fulfill the act of “giving Good” to another in perpetuity. That good is an ever expanding understanding and revelation of the Divine Love and Divine Will. Individuals can gain a taste of this blessing, but until humanity as a whole wants to have this relationship this is impossible. This blessing must be experienced in harmonious unity with all other people to be fully apreciated.
Prophecy is a relationship with The Creator that grants an awareness beyond that possible by physical limitations. It is always via a spiritual intermediary and conveys information that is always true although it may not always be fully understood by the prophet. The more one becomes GD aware the more reality is perceived in its true form. One could say that human beings who have prophecy are in a state of intimacy with The Creator.
As a human develops their personal relationship with The Creator they become more GD aware. This eventually causes prophecy to manifest in their conciousness level by level until they achieve a type of Divine Inspiration. Once they have reached this stage they can choose to develop themselves further. The latter stages of prophecy require active training by another prophet.
The types of prophecy are:
A. Divine Inspiration (Ruach HaKodesh): Hightened knowledge of reality via closeness to G-D.
1. Limited Divine Inspiration. Examples are epiphany, hightened awareness, seemingly hightened intellect. The person is not necessarily aware that G-D is the reason behind their abilities.
2. Higher Divine Inspiration. The person knows G-D exists, the nature of belief is now a belief in a G-D whose nature is beyond knowing. The level of knowledge of that which is revealed by Higher Divine Inspiration is absolute.
B. Minor Prophecy (Nevua),
1. Prophetic Ruach HaKodesh.This is the lowest form of minor prophecy. The latter books of the Jewish TaNaKh (Ketuvim) are written with Higher Ruach HaKodesh. Shaul, David, and Shlomo had this kind of prophecy. The term used for this level if prophet is commonly reffered to as Chozeh.
2. Minor Prophecy Proper. This is what most people think of when they think of a prophet. The person is given a message by G-D for the nation. This state is reached via meditative practices. This type of Prophet guides the nation via rebuke or consolation. The books of TaNaKH known as Nevim are written by Master Prophets. The term used for this type of prophet is Navi
3. Greater Prophecy. Such prophets are quite rare. They include Aaron, Joshua, Samuel, and Elijah The Prophet. This type of prophet is a Master Prophet with a special mission that impacts the development of the Jewish people as well as the overall history of creation. The term for this prophet is Roeh (Seer), but it could be argued that these are people for whom nature itself bends its will. Aaron and his staff, Jehoshua and the sun, Samuel and the kingship, and Elijah and death. All of these had such a high level of awareness of The Creator that nature became maleable since to them nature was a temporary illusion necessary for Divine Will.
3. Mosaic Prophecy: This level of prophecy is exclusive to Moses. In a very real sense all other prophecy can be said to be a glimpse into the vision of Moses, whereas Moses saw the Truth directly. This is why Moses wrote the Torah shown to him in a clear vision and taught the oral teachings he heard from G-D.
Prophetic Ruach HaKodesh will only return after the building of the Third Temple. Higher Ruach HaKodesh will be the natural state of humans after The Messianic era begins.
Derech Hashem, by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal), translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan as The Way of God, Feldheim Publications.
The laws regulating the treatment of animals fall into two categories. The overt commandment and the effects incidental to laws of another commandment.
For our purposes inhumane is going to defined as unecessary cruelty to animals.
Humane treatment will be defined as follows:
Kind treatment of an animal except when there is cruelty for a necessary purpose and thus the kindness to humans supercedes the commandments to be kind to animals.
Cruelty for a necessary purpose is defined as follows: Slaughtering an animal, use of an animal for a necessary permited purpose, removal of a nuisance, or removal of possible or imminent danger are not considered inhumane.
The universal commandment to not eat an animal while it is still alive has a secondary law to “not be unecessarily cruel to any living thing”. The secondary law however prioritizes humans over animals because humans are the focus of creation.
There area also situations, such as through a court system where humans are prioritized over other humans. That is why there is also another universal court system to establish a local court system in every jurisdiction from family unit to national unit. The “world” court system of The Torah is the 7 universal laws.
The 7 laws, except for the first two are rooted in the aplication of kindness. The first two are rooted in the recognition of The Creator and the Respect of The Creator.
The laws are as follows:
•Do not worship idols, Idolworship is defined as NOT believing in The Creator as taught by The Prophets of Israel.
•Do not Insult The Creator. This establishes the respect needed to actively fulfill the will of The Creator.
At this point every additional law is a regulates kindness and the lack thereof.
•Do not murder. This includes forced rape.
• The ultimate act of cruelty.
• Do not commit sexual imorality. This includes female extramarital relations, homosexuality (penetration/reception except when forced) between men, first degree incest between immediate family members, and bestiality.
•Here acts of sexual giving between two creatures are moderated to acceptable forms
•Theft of any type.
•This is extreme self kindness at the expense of other and is regulated.
• Do not eat an animal while it is still alive.
•Requires the individual to gradiate permitted and necessary actions in a way that causes the least pain as an act of required kindness.
• Establish courts that use these general laws as parameters for their rulings.
Jews have an additional 606 laws that further expand on the theme of kindness and self control as well as the relationship between Creator and Creation. Ultimately all Divine Laws are to help humans develop one of these three aspects in order to be able to manifest “rejoicing with The Creator together with the rest of the creation.
Judaism says that the messiah will be the following:
•A man born from a fourth generation Jewish mother.
•His father must be a descendant of David through Sollomon.
•He must be from the tribe of Judah.
•This means his paternal line is Jewish since Sollomon.
The messiah, meaning a man, who meets the above lineage does the following in his lifetime:
•He brings all Jews to Israel.
•He eliminates all idolworship and all enemies of the Jewish people, both external and internal to the Jewish people.
•Then he establishes eternal world peace. After he does this there is no strife between families or nations ever again.
• Last but not least he dedicates the Third Temple as per the prophecy of Ezekiel. At this point he is not the messiah, he is dubbed the prince of peace. In hebrew the language is Saar Shalom. Once he does this at the command of Elijah The Prophet he becomes the Messiah only after he is annointed by Elijah the Prophet.
Should a person be killed, meaning to die in any manner, he is not The Messiah, but only a test to The Faithful of Israel.
Mishney Torah laws of kings and their wars, compiled by Rambam (Maimonedes)
The earth (physical universe) was originally created incomplete and existed as a sort of empty vessel. Had Adam and Eve refrained from eating the fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil and chosen to eat any other fruit the earth, meaning the physical universe would have come become completely imbued with holiness.
Unfortunately when Adam ate from the fruit of Good and Evil the physical universe became resistant to holiness and a sort of barrier was created to the reception of holiness.
The world in its current state is called Olom Hazeh. The current job of humanity is to remove this barrier.
The first to begin to do this was Abraham. Until Abraham the few righteous humans such as Noah merely prevented the barrier from keeping all holiness out.
The name of the world after it becomes perfected is Olom Haba. Olom Haba is not heaven or the soul world. These spiritual worlds are temporary places where the soul goes to rest after it leaves the body.
Abraham begun to remove the barrier. This is why he was given circumcition. This process continued with Isaac, Jacob, The 12 sons of Jacob (represented by Yosef), Aaron, Moses, and David. These prophets added an aspect of holiness to the world that gave humanity the tools necessary to completely remove the barrier.
The barrier is called the Orlah. This means foreskin in Hebrew. This is called the foreskin of the world and when it is removed the world will be considered circumcized. This is one of the meanings of humanity will have its heart circumzed.
This process will be completed with the return of all the Jews to Israel, the elimination of idolworship as well as the elimination of those who seek to prevent The Jewish people teaching Tora, and the final step The dedication of The Third Temple with the return of Elijah The Prophet. This last process is called The Coming of The Messiah.
The Messiah is not the one who makes the process happen, he is a result of the process happening and reaching its completion. He is a human king from the house of David annointed by the prophet Elijah.
At this point there is a period of time of rest until the year 6000 of the Hebrew Calendar. At this point the physical universe undergoes a period where it is completely destroyed and enters a period of rest. This is called the Great Shabbat.
After this period it is reformed in a physical state that is exists in a state without decay. It is in this reformed Physical Universe that those who have died are resurected in a Physical form that does not decay. In this universe the individual and community increase in awareness of The Creator. This awareness allows them to have an ever increasing joy that permeates their existence.
This is the Earth’s actual intended state.
The current stage of the Earth’s existence is like that of an embryo inside of a womb, the era before the messiah is the birthpangs of the pregnancy, the Third Temple is like the circumcition of the child, The Great Shabbat is like the preparation of a the wedding canopy, the Resurection is like the Marriage, and the time after that is like an everlasting period of intimacy between Husband and Wife. In fact marriage was created to allow humans a glimpse at this coming world.
What does Kabbalah say about Olom Haba?
First let is define what is actually meant whe we use the term Kabbalah. Kabbalah is the name for Jewish theology as a belief and the principles of ethics that guide the laws. The laws themselves are called Halacha and the principles of law are not aplied via Kabbalah, but through legal rules established by the principles.
Reality, according to Kabbalah is layerd and exists in 8 levels. The upper levels ar those “nearest” to the holiness that allows creation to exist are said to exist in more permanent sense than the lower two levels, but they also exists in a less real sense in potential state.
The first level is holiness. This is also called the will of God and it is a creation that is comstantly being created.
The upper worlds are the soul world and the 7th heaven. This 7th heaven is called “The throne” by the prophets of Israel.
The lower levels include the 6 heavens called the chariot, and the physical universe.
Likewise The Physical universe is comprised of the celestial and the terrestial. The physical world as it is today is temporary but it is more solid.
The physical world contains an element of emptiness which allow evil to exist. This space can be filled with deeds done according to the will of The Creator (holiness) which cause permanence making the space smaller or it can can be filled with temporary blockages to holiness (evil). The more holiness that enters the space the faster evil decays until eventually the evil will be removed. Eventually the evil will exist only in potential but not in actuality. This is called “The Messianic Era”.
Once this happens and the evil is renders impotent the physical creation will reach a point of stasis in which holiness manifests. This is called “The Great Shabbat”.
After this time the creation will be restored but in a perfected and permanent form at all levels. This is called "the resurection of the dead."
The human beings of this reconstructed world are all of us but in a perfected form.
Change is still possible but only insofar as the experience and perception of holiness increases in intensity ad infinitum. Each person, depending on their starting level will increase at different rates. This is the reward of the righteous. This is called Olom Haba (The coming world).
Derech Hashem: by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
The term Jew under Jewish law today refers only to someone who is born to a Jewish Mother or to someone who has gone through an Orthodox conversion from a universally accepted Jewish Religious Court (Beit Din). Today, all universally accepted conversions are through the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
The term Judaism as a belief system refers to the 13 theological principles of the Jewish faith, the emulation of Divine empathy, and the laws of the Torah as passed by the Prophets and their students the Sons of the prophets. The term Sons of the prophets later became known as Scribes and eventually as Rabbis.
Judaism developed in five stages. The first stage was from Adam until Noah. This era saw the giving of prophecy to worthy humans. These first prophets merely received the theology of Judaism and were supposed to be moral and ethical based on the theological principles. They failed to grasp these with the exception of Noah.
The next stage of Prophecy was from Abraham until Aaron. This second stage saw the teaching of the ethical standards for humans by the prophets known as Patriarchs. Humanity as a whole failed to follow these teachings with the exception of the lineage of Abraham via Isaac and Isaac via Jacob aka Israel. Jacob's sons all followed these teachings and thus merited that after a purification stage in Egypt should become a nation.
The third stage saw The Children of Israel transformed into a nation with a set code of laws enshrined in the Divinely Given Torah. This Torah was given via Moses. After this prophecy was no longer a process off enhancing the previous prophecy, but simply in order to keep the nation from stumbling or as comfort in times of grief.
The fourth era saw prophets giving prophecies designed to rebuke and cause repentance, comfort and give hope, or to allow the individual to develop their personal relationship with The Creator such as in Psalms, Song of Songs, Parables, and the book of Kohelet. The era of prophecy ended with the canonization of the Jewish Bible and was done so by the last of the prophets known as Malachi aka Ezra. It was he who received a prophecy that Elijah The prophet would return when the sixth era of Judaism would begin known as the Messianic Era.
The fifth era of Judaism is the Rabbinic Era. This era simply is the students of the prophets teaching and reviewing the previous information via the Talmud. The Talmud is the written form of the oral teachings of the prophets regarding theology, ethics and laws along with the consolations.
Jews are also known as Bnai Israel and are bound by covenant to the 613 laws. A non-Jew is called a Bnai Noah according to Judaism and is bound to only 7 of those laws. A Bnai Noach who lives in Israel permanently and is circumcized is called a Ger Toshav . All that said a person who is either a practicing Bnai Noach or Ger Toshav are considered spiritually and legally part of “Greater Israel” (Am Israel) according to The Chofetz Chaim. He states that anyone who belives in the 13 principles of faith is considered part of Am Israel. The Bnai Israel literally means Sons or Students of Israel whereas Am Israel means “The greater nation of Israel”.
The term Religious Jew refers to a Jewish individual that believes in the 13 principles of faith and accepts Jewish law as Divine even if they do not stricly follow Jewish law. This is what defines someone as Orthodox. The term Practicing Jew refers to someone who is Orthodox and follows Jewish law as much as possible.
An Israeli Citizen is grouped in two ways. Concerning marriage laws the religious definition is used. For the sake of immigration law the descent from a Jewish grandfather is used. Non-Jews are also grouped by religion for marriage laws within the country. A non-Jew of non-Jewish descent cannot normally imigrate to Israel, but they can come to visit or temporarily live on a wide variety of visas.
Chofetz Chaim
Rashi's commentary on the Parsha
Ministry of absorbtion for Israel
I show how the legal rights of Jews for Israel are derived since the Exodus. This does not exclude the Jewish belief that Israel is Divinely given, rather it shows how the Torah Tradition actually also shows how this came about through a legal process over time
The modern State of Israel came to be via International Law and an internationally recognized treaty that set up the modern state of Israel and established its right over the entire region west of the Jordan. This was true with the league of nations as well as in ancient times from the very begining.
In modern times this was first established with the white paper which outlined a Jewish right to form a state in the region formerly ruled by the Ottoman Empire know by its Roman name, Palestine.
This was the basis for what would called the Mandate of Palestine. The League Of nations continued this precedent by giving England control of the area known as Palestine. The purpose of this was specifically to set up a viable state for the Jews. This region originally encompassed what is known today as Israel and Jordan .
The second thing to remember is that Arab Palestine is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
The United Nations later proposed that Jerusalem would be an international city governed by a church council with a muslim and a Jewish representative. This compromise was at first accepted by the Zionist Congress, but was not accepted by the Arab leadership and thus was never ratified. England negotiated a compromise that would make the region west of the Jordan a Jewish Palestine and the region east of the Jordan Arab Palestine. England established the Hashemite Kingdom from the Iraqi (Babylonian) dynastic claimants as the Arab State because the Babylonian (Iraqi) Arabs had the oldest legitimate claim to Israel other than the Jews.
The Zionist Congress agreed to this because the majority of land in that region had always been under Babylonian rule. This was the fair compromise that established Jewish Palestine as Israel and Arab Palestine as The Kingdom of Jordan as a Babylonian monarchy under the Hashemite tribe.
The Unification of Israel
The British then leave, war breaks out Jerusalem is divided (technically becoming an international city) as Jordan refuses to honor its agreements and attempts to annex Jerusalem.
In 1949 Israel becomes independent after defeating the Arab nations.
In 1967 Israel defeats multiple Arab Armies aquires Golan, Sinai, Jerusalem, and Gaza. Jordan gives up its claims on the west bank aka Judea and Samaria, but is allowed to have the ability to manage (not control) very limited Islamic holy sites. This technically fulfills Jerusalem’s mandate as an international city. Israel has full sovereignty and allows Jordan’s king to manage the Islamic sites as a sort of tenant under fealty to Israel. Israel eventually fully anexes Jerusalem.
The United States establishes its embassy in 2017 within Jerusalem thereby validating the anexation through its status as a permanent security council member.
In 2018 as a sovereign State Israel passes The Nationality Law as a basic law (semi constitutional) thus estalishing clear law that its sovereignty extends to the entirety of The Land of Israel. This is important because under international law a country needs to outline its own territorial and national status procedures as well.
Conclusion: Israel has expanded its sovereignty under modern International law.
Since Israel is not part of any other country it is not a colony. Jordan and Saudi Arabia were also established by The British and are not colonies. In the case of the Mandate this was established as a mandate to set up an independent Jewish State in land formerly owned by the Ottoman Emperor and conquered by The Allied forces. All so called arab “landholders” were tenant farmers or shepherds of the Ottoman Emperor. Only the Jewish Agency on behalf of The Zionist Congress bought land from the Ottoman Empire. This makes the sole landowner of the land of Israel the successor to The World Zionist Congress. This is The State of Israel. Both were led by a common President Chaim Weitzman who transitioned the original WZC to the State of Israel.
Israel is not taking away any land from “Palestine” since other than a Roman term for Jewish Judea, no other region was ever called Palestine. All other lands during the Ottoman era were either held by different Christian Churches, Royal families, or the Ottoman Emperor and his family.
Rulers of the land of Israel.
* Israel, Jewish restoration established by the British.
* Jordanian Hashemite Kingdom established by The British in the region of Western Babylonia and a small section of the territory of some northern tribes of Israel.
* British
* Otttomans
* Before the Ottomans there were other Caliphates that warred with the Crusader States
* The Crusader states warring with the Caliphates
* Mongolian Khanate.
* Byzantium
* United Rome.
* Before Rome this was the Jewish kingdom of Judea ruled by Bar Kochba, before by the Herodians, before that by the Macabees.
* Before that it was controlled by the Assyrian Greeks.
* Persian-Medes.
* Babylonians.
* The Davidic Kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Ephraim/Menase (Northern Kingdom)
* Before that all of Israel was united under Sollomon, David, and Saul for 82 years total.
* Before that time the Israelite Confederacy and the Cannanites were embroiled in a war over Canaan/Israel. for hundreds of years
* Before that Egypt ruled southern Cannaan, Salem ruled the center of Canaan, and Babylonia ruled the north via Aramea.
The Patriarchial Era
Abraham an Aramean prince was the ruler of Cannanite Aramea. His father was Terah an Aramean Ambassador to Nimrod. Aramean Canaan was called Yireh and eventually merged with Salem to become Yireh-Shalem. Abraham moved from Padan Aram in modern day Syria/Iraq to Yireh. Before the construction of Shalem all of Cannan had no other structure of government other than nomadic families whon pastured sheep and perhaps did raids on other families. As we can see Israel did not take any land from a state of Palestine.
The city State of Salem was an Aramean Principality ruled by the leader of the Semites. These were the Jebusites. They were distantly related to the Arameans. Abraham was the successor prince and therefore since the Egyptianand Babylonian Empire have falled only the people who are the heirs of Abraham’s full wife can be said to have the legitimate right to a State here. These are the Hebrews. These would later be called Israelites and they are called Jews today.
Jews are descendants of the Hebrews, the Aramean royal familial clan. The ancient international law recognized the Hebrew prince of Aram as the heir of the kingdom of Salem when Abraham is blessed by Melchitzedek. Arabs recognize this event. Therefore Abraham’s son from his full wife Sarah is the heir. Hagar was the slave of Sarah and under the international law of that time all she owned including her children belonged to Sarah. When Hagar died this all went to Isaac. Isaac is the legitimate heir. Slavery was not outlawed then so this stands. Esau, Isaac’s heir, sold his rights to Jacob and this was validated by Isaac. Jacob was known as Israel. Jacob divided the rights into kingship, given to Judah and priesthood given to Levi. The double landrights of the firstborn went to Joseph who split them to his two sons Ephraim and Menashe. All of these events were recogized by Egypt’s 12-19th dynasties and and the Babylonian empire.
Under international law, set for over 3500 years the Jews are the righful population who has sovereignty over Israel. This does not even take into account any Divine promise, but only the laws of the international arena of that era. These laws set the prescedent for International Law.
The Ishmaelites briefly ruled Goshen in northern Egypt, they were known as the Hyksos. This was the territory given to Sarah when she was given Hagar, one of pharoahs daughters in compensation for her hardship in Egypt. This land reverted to the Ishmaelites after Hagar was freed by Isaac and given to Abraham to remarry as Keturah. Ismael was not freed. It is interesting to note that Bilha and Zilpah, Rachel and Leah’s half sisters were descendants of Keturah, (Hagar) and also grandaughters of Abraham. They were also older than Leah and Rachel. That means the claims of the descedants of Hagar are fully realized after she was freed. Furthermore Ephraim and Menashe are grandsons of Dinah who was the birth-mother of Osnat who married Joseph. After she was raped by Shechem a Cananite prince, Dinah’s daughter was given to raise by childless realatives amongst the Ishamelites. These relatives are the rulers of the Hyksos known in the Torah as The Chief of the Butchers. Hyksos means shepherd kings as well as butcher king.
The Israelites were the heirs of Israel, Ishmael, and the Cannanite royal family of Shechem thus uniting the entirity of claimants to the land of Israel. This, from a legal standpoint gives the strongest claim of sovereignty to the Israelites who left Egypt to the inheritance of the land of Canaan as they were descendants of the Pharoah through Bilha and Zilpah, the royal family of Shechem, the Royal family of Aramea, and were apointed as heirs by the rulers of Shalem. This makes rulers of the Jewish people the legitimate rulers of Israel/Cannan under international law. Today this is the government of Israel because the Israeli state rabinate is the only Jewish authority that can universally and worldwide recognize a person becoming Jewish. This means that the State of Israel is the leadership of all Jews in the world even if only in a small way.
Abraham who is a high ranking Aramean Prince goes to Egypt and is given Hagar a daughter of Pharoah as a compensation after Pharoah abducts Sara (Abrahams sister wife) in the 12 dynasty. Sarah is given Goshen, Hagar's betrothal lands as a gift.
Yosef's rise to power occurs in the 15–16th dynasty when the Hyksos ruled Goshen (Upper Egypt). According to Jewish tradition the man Yoseph lived with was “The Head of The Butchers" who was the head of the Ishmaelites raising Dinah's daughter Osnat. Osnat was the daughter of the last king of Shechem whom raped Dinah.Therefore by marrying her Yosef did indeed become a recognized monarch by Egypt. He would have been recognized as King of The Hyksos because Shechem was an Egyptian Vassal City State. In the 16th dynasty the Hyksos were subjugated and the monarch jailed until he agreed to be a vassal of the Pharaoh. In the 17th Dynasty Mephis begun to be built as a capital city by Egypt and the Hyksos were enslaved according to Egyptian records. The Storage cities would have been in the region of the capital of Egypt to control food suplies.
The Exodus/Moses era occurs in the 18th dynasty when the Hyksos leave egypt. Egyptian records show that the Hyksos revolted. The Jewish records state that an Eruv Rav, mixed multude went out with the Israelites. This included all Arameans and Ishmalites in Egypt along with the Hebrews. These were the peoples known as Hyksos. Hyksos refers to the Aramean people as a whole.
The peace treaty signed with the Hyksos by Egypt which separates Canaan from Egypt occurs in the 19th dynasty when Joshua is said to have conquered Canaan. This timeline found in Egyptian records of the Hyksos Shepherd Kings matches the timeline given by Jewish Scholars for Abraham through Joshua of the canonization era who had no access to the Egyptian hyroglyphics or Papyrus scrolls now known to us. The canonization era happens shortly after the events of the Scroll of Esther.
The following is an Open Letter to those who reject Prophecy and attempt to reframe Judaism as cultural or racial, or philosphical.
Judaism is what it is. The Prophetic tradition. If one does not believe in absolute Prophecy then they do not believe in Judaism as a religion, they believe in philosphy. If Judaism is not rooted in Prophecy then Judaism is false because the nature of philosphy is fallible thought.
Judaism is self defined by its laws and theological system. Judaism is not a self defined identity that is maleable.
Judaism can be entered by any racial group and is not simply limited to the Aramean-Hebrew Semitic racial grouping. Therefore it is not genetic. Judaism can be believed by those who are not required to follow all the laws a Jew is required to follow. Therefore it is a fixed ideology with two parallel legal systems. A person, according to Judaism is not considered to be moral unless they are moral because it is what is commanded of them by The Creator. Therefore it is not relative morality.
That means that Jewishness is not racial, relative morality, or cultural. It is A fixed belief system with fixed laws aplicable to all people in all situations. To be Jewish is not connected to genetics, but to a legal status. It is not an identity. A Noahide is called part of the Greater Jewish people as Am Israel (People of Israel) and a Jew is called a Bnai Israel (Son Of Israel). The source is the Chofetz Haim author of the Talmudic legal work Mishne Brura.
The Six orders Of Mishna may have been completed in 190 CE, but it is merely the written format later used to sumarize the 60 law scrolls of Ezra lost in the Temple Library when it was destroyed by The Romans. The Mishna is very precise Hebrew and the reason it is not included in Tanach is not becauss it is not written with Divine Inspiration, but because the last Prophet of the Anshei Keneset Gedoal Malachi-Ezra as well as his last student had already died. The Mishna has the same sanctity the works of Ketuvim written by Divine Inspiration.
The Gemara is the aplication of these concepts as practical law and it is written in general Aramaic. It includes parables called Agadata that metaphorically explain the theology and morality of Judaism. Pirkey Avot for example is a moral text and the “folk tales” are metaphoric non-literal explanations of the 13 principles of faith later outlined by Maimonedes in literal form and subsequently explained by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto in Derech Hashem. The Gemara’s sanctity is not on the level of the Mishna and it is the Primary commentary on the Mishna. The Gemara also has comentaries on it.
All comentaries henceforth as well as all are merely explanations of the content in the Gemara which explains the Mishna. This includes all legal codes, ethical works, and theological works. Judaism is explained via the Gemara detailing the basic understanding of the Oral tradition outlined in Mishna. All of Judaism can be learnt via the Mishna explaining the Tanach but the ability to do so requires an understanding and education that is not available to most.
Someone who rejects prophecy rejects the above. The aproach Judaism uses is as follows “I cannot change what I do not like about the law of gravity. It is what it is. I must work within its boundaries, not against it if I want to fly an airplane or jump.”
If someone, for example, states from a talmudic viewpoint that they believe that the Noahide laws are in fact only based on actions then there is a true discusion.
Perhaps one might have said, that the laws are phrased in negative form and the law to esablish the courts is positively phrase. Then it can be replied that the concept of “not worshiping idols” means do not worship anything other than The Creator and therefore includes the concept of Atheism which is null-Worship. and is thereofe also forbidden. This is the actual discussion.
The rejection of Prophecy is the rejection of the Jewish tradition. If one says that Judaism is cultural and philosophical then one is stating that Aramean Hebrew Mental Philosphy and The Aramean Hebrew people are the definition of Jews. That is a racist ideology based on supremacy of thought. This is the mindset that the exile in Egypt was meant to cleanse. Judaism is Universal and it opposes racism and the concept of one human mind being greater than another. Judaism says that a mind may have greater skills than another, but not that it is inherently greater. A Child learning with all his or her ability is as great as Moses.
That is why the rejection of Prophecy, a Divine comunication that establishes the universal obligations and the love of the Creator for all is anathema to Judaism. All humans have an equal obligation. Those humans who have adopted to enter the additional covenant are not loved more, they are merely choosing to enable their perception of holiness to all areas of their life in a specific manner rather than a broad manner. If all humans have the same basic obligations then while The Creator can love even the sinner, the sinner chooses how to receieve the love.That is because The Creator loves unconditionally, but The Creator will not force a love in the manner of lovingkindness if the human chooses to enable their animal instinct by acting in an animalistic fashion.
The Torah states that ultimately the ability to pray in a physical body is what distinguishes us from animals. Normally only angels pray. Prayer to One God is ultimately rooted in the seed of prophecy. The response comes to all. The awareness of how this response comes about is the very nature of prophecy.
If one rejects prophecy then one rejects prayer, The Creator, Divine Law, and absolute morality. That leaves only the human ego, majority rule regardless of the will of minority, and the concept of I can do whatever I want. This is the defintion of evil in Judaism. It is called Sociopathic Narcisism when an individual believes and behaves likes this.
Judaism is the belief in Prophecy and is rooted in Humility to a Higher Power, universal lovingkindness and self control.
The question then is as follows:
If being a Jew can be simply having a Jewish mother and this Jewish mother converted to being Jewish what then is the sense of having biology involved in it at all?
The answer is quite simple, Judaism is not about biology. Its about a legal obligation.
A Jew is someone who is obligated by Jewish Law to observe the 613 commandments of the Torah. The way this status is established is via a covenant with The God of Israel. This covenant is inherited by the children of a woman who is also bound to this covenant, even while the mother is still alive.
The inheritance has nothing to do with biology, rather the inheritance is a legal status of children born to any woman who is part of the covenant of Israel. If a woman enters the covenant of Israel any children she has after that point also inherit this legal status upon birth.
This status may be entered into via a process known as conversion. Conversion uses a special court of Jewish law called a Beit Din to establish the Covenant of Israel.
A non-Jew is only obligated in 7 of the 613 laws. These laws are required for all descendants of Noah. This is called the Covenant of The Rainbow and was made when God said the rainbow would be a sign that the world would not be destroyed. As long as there was people that kept the covenant of The Rainbow it would not be destroyed.
10 generations after the covenant of The Rainbow God established a separate covenant with Abraham and reafirmed it with Isaac, Jacob, and then at Mt. Sinai via Moses and The Israelites. This later covenant is the covenant that allows the world to be repaired via the laws of the Torah and returned to its state before the firsr sin. This later covenant has 613 laws (7+606) that allow those who keep them to repair every aspect creation. The first covenant merely prevents the world’s destruction.
After the world is repaired the laws of the Torah will take on a more rigid aspect suitable for a population of humans that has perpetaul prophecy. After this period all of humanity, both Noahide and Israelite will rejoice in an ever increasing prophetic state. This last period is called the resurection of the dead.
Derech Hashem by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
Answer 1 Judaism's view:
Judaism would say that any religion, not rooted in prophecy, meaning undeniable absolute perception of reality granted by the Creator of reality itself is wrong. This mean that, according to Judaism the two paths left to humans are Judaism and Noahidism. Both of these are rooted in the same theology, but Judaism has 613 commands given via covenant to the children of females bound to the covenant called Bnai Israel and the covenant of the Rainbow of Noah only has 7 commands given to all descendants of Noah. These 7 are included in the Covenant of Israel which has 606 additional laws.
Answer 2 is based on the definition of deity, intellegent design based on physics, the law of survival of the fittest, and archeological evidence linked to homosapien development and the beginings of civilization in the Levant.
First we have to see what religions are wrong based on what a deity is. A deity, meaning an all powerful being would not be able to be opposed or countermanded unless that deity allowed this to happen.
Second, the religion must allow for patterns and rule sets. This is a mark of intellegence. The observable universe functions via patterns and rule sets, therefore it has the appearance of being an ordered system. This, is evidence that the universe is itself the product of an intellegence or that the universe has intellegence
Third we have to deduce what the purpose is of living things is based on intelligent design. This at its basic level is survival of the species. Any religion that allows humans to hinder this is, based on the patterns of nature itself and the way the system functions.
Polytheism, Pantheism, and Religions with deities with parts are wrong. This also includes any religion with demi-gods or spiritual beings that can oppose the Creator deity against its will.
The religions that are wrong based on these three criteria are any religion that has multiple deities or a deity with multiple parts. This would mean more than one absolutely powerful deity, but the very definition of absolutely powerful means One Deity. If the deity has parts then each part could in theory fight with another part. This also excludes religions where any created being can oppose the deity against the deity's wishes. Fallen angels, divine human avatars, and religions with divine “parts" are therefore excluded from the possibility of "true".
This means that only religions with an Absolutely Monotheistic Theology can be correct based on the first rule.
This limits the religions that could be right to Judaism, Noahidism, and Islam.
The second rule would limit the Absolutely Monotheistic religions to those that allow for patterns within the physical universe. It would need to have an explanation that allows for a binary creation comprised of a binding energy that comprises all other things and causes timespace then uses timespace as a prism to form the resulting patterns.
Furthermore the religion would have had to exist as long as humans have been intelligent as evidenced from recorded history. Furthermore the adherents of said religion as a whole, even if not individually would have to still be around and survive every possible calamity. This would prove that adherence to said religion is a road to genetic survival.
This only allows for Judaism and its path for Gentiles Noahidism. The accurate name for this Monotheistic religion is Kabbalah U’Mesorah aka The Prophetic Tradition aka Adamic Monotheistic Prophetic Shamanism.
• The Prophetic Tradition is absolutely Monotheistic.
• Creation is defined as that which is not The Creator because of creation’s binary nature and is therefore a reflection, ie an image like that of a mirror which is the opposite of that which it refelcts, and is comprised of two basic elements. The first is Divine Will/Crown (created infinite potential energy), the primary creation which manifests a relationship called Divine Love/Kingship (Timespace called the “vessel of all things ").
• We understand the effects of the act of a creation, but we do not know how a binary system is actually made. Creation in this case is defined as the begining of Time (infinity/Wave form), the begining of Space (absolute particle form) and the trasnsitionary phase between (spacetime where waves and particles transition between the two absolute phases of waves and particles). In theory the multiverse exists in the space between these two absolute states, but these absolute states are in a state of perpetual existence. This perpetual existence is infinite from our perspective but mathematically speaking both time and space are constructs. As constructs they have a beging outses of time. One is an absolute infinity and the second is a limited infinity
• This waveform is called Infinite Light in Judaism also called Divine Will. Divine Will manifests itself within the vessel of Divine Love (Space) as a series of lights and vessels (Time-Space)that form the multiverse. This is exactly how the energy, matter pattern works and explains the four forces of the physical universe as well as the concept of the binding force in physics.
• The purpose of survival of the fittest also works because this concept is species based. Not only do humans survive, but within the human species the group that has survived the longest unchaged is those that are followers of Judaism or Noahidism.
• Furthermore the test bears out because one can become Jewish or follow Noahidism. Converts from all backgrounds then gain the same benefits of survival providing evidence that Judaism allows for survival of genetics because one follows it, not because Jews have any kind of inherent biological advantage.
• Judaism in its earliest Noahide form dates back to at the very earliest the common flood myth of all civilizations which is dated to have occured about 2000 BCE. Human recorded history begin about 4000 BCE which is the date given for the creation of Adam. Adam in Judaism is the first intellegent human, not the first of the homosapien lineage. Judaism states that the soul of Adam was put in an animal body rather than allowed to remain in angelic form as punishment for the first sin. Judaism refers this as the “exile" from the garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden was the angelic realm of the lower 6 heavens. The heavens are a spiritual dimension outside the physical universe. The lower Eden is the 7th heaven in Judaism and the Upper Eden is the Dimension where Souls are formed. Therefore Judaism begins the era of humanity when homosapiens became intellegent and able to pray, not when the physical form was first achieved. This is compatible with the achievements of group agriculture, writing, and the use of fire which Adam is said to have beem taught via prophecy. This is congruent with the archeological evidence found in the region of The Levant where Adam is said to have first left the garden of Eden in the preflood era. This puts Adam at the rise of civilization and Noah at the common flood myth. Abraham is congruent with the rise of the Hyksos (Aramean Shepherd Kings) people in the Levant as recorded in Egyptian archeological records.
• Abraham who is a high ranking Aramean Prince goes to Egypt and is given Hagar a daughter of Pharoah as a compensation after Pharoah abducts Sara (Abrahams sister wife) in the 12 dynasty. Sarah is given Goshen, Hagar's betrothal lands as a gift.
• Yosef's rise to power occurs in the 15–16th dynasty when the Hyksos ruled Goshen (Upper Egypt). According to Jewish tradition the man Yoseph lived with was “The Head of The Butchers" who was the head of the Ishmaelites raising Dinah's daughter Osnat. Osnat was the daughter of the last king of Shechem whom raped Dinah.Therefore by marrying her Yosef did indeed become a recognized monarch by Egypt. He would have been recognized as King of The Hyksos because Shechem was an Egyptian Vassal City State. In the 16th dynasty the Hyksos were subjugated and the monarch jailed until he agreed to be a vassal of the Pharaoh. In the 17th Dynasty Mephis begun to be built as a capital city by Egypt and the Hyksos were enslaved according to Egyptian records. The Storage cities would have been in the region of the capital of Egypt to control food suplies.
• The Exodus/Moses era occurs in the 18th dynasty when the Hyksos leave egypt. Egyptian records show that the Hyksos revolted. The Jewish records state that an Eruv Rav, mixed multude went out with the Israelites. This included all Arameans and Ishmalites in Egypt along with the Hebrews. These were the peoples known as Hyksos. Hyksos refers to the Aramean people as a whole.
• The peace treaty signed with the Hyksos by Egypt which separates Canaan from Egypt occurs in the 19th dynasty when Joshua is said to have conquered Canaan. This timeline found in Egyptian records of the Hyksos Shepherd Kings matches the timeline given by Jewish Scholars for Abraham through Joshua of the canonization era who had no access to the Egyptian hyroglyphics or Papyrus scrolls now known to us. The canonization era happens shortly after the events of the Scroll of Esther.
In conclusion any religion which is not an extension of The Prophetic Tradition (Judaism) or contradicts Jewish theology is therefore wrong based both on Judaism's own view and the criteria of an absolute deity, intellegent design compatible with physics, and the established pattern of survival of the fittest that all known biological beings are known to fulfill in order to survive.
In other words The Prophetic Tradition via Judaism and Noahidism is the only religion that meets all three criteria of any religion. Since Noahidism and Judaism share the same theology one could say that The Prophetic Tradtion of Moses as taught in The Talmudic Texts is the correct one.
GD loves everyone so until all souls are able to partake by choice the full blessing is not realized. That is why Judaism believes in reincarnation and resurection of the dead. Reincarnation is the way those souls who do not choose to use their bodies to freely be in a relationship with The Creator are shown mercy. The souls can repair this in new bodies. When all souls have chosen to be in this relationship they will all resurect in their final bodies and have an eternal and expanding understanding of The Creator.
Source for Egyptian Timeline:
Rabbi Ken Spiro, Historian Aish HaTorah.
Source for Jewish Timeline:
Artscroll Tanach, Koren Tanach, Rabbi Ken Spiro, as well as Rabbi Kazen's Online Torah Network
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